Good Morning everyone,
Well today I read Ezra 9: All about mixed marriages, intermingling with the unclean and the call to be separate. The Lord brought me back to a very short season shortly after my healing in November of 2009. I decided to try to blend and went on line to ‘Christian’ dating sites. What I harshly discovered is that the Lord was more than displeased. Even more, I discovered that the word Christian was being used for the enemy’s deception - and was anything but that.
I have not done anything of the sort since. Many have probed whether I would ever be open to marriage. I can honestly say yes, but that is with some strong convictions and contingencies. First and foremost he must rise in the morning and not be chit-chatty, but go before God in the word and prayer. He must love Jesus so much that I do not have to "fend off" advances in dating that are ungodly and abominations to my walk with Jesus.
Furthermore, God does NOT help those who help themselves. He is more than capable of bringing someone to my life if it is His will and purpose. He is God. Additionally, Ezra 9 alludes to the supposition that all the "intermingling and mix" was encouraged by parents for greater peace and prosperity. Whoa- this slammed me in the face. Do I simply want peace and a good life for my child or do I petition God mightily for a consecrated walk for all of them? Is my foremost prayer, Lord do what it takes to bend the knees in humility to you? What looks good is the greatest enemy to the BEST.
I don’t know about others, but in my life I want to go for broke. I cannot think of anything worse than being partnered with one whom I have to kick to love Jesus or where I’m stronger in my walk and end up "leading." But worse yet, I know deep inside this kind of mix would not make them strong in Christ but would most certainly erode mine. There is a reason Ezra ripped his beard, tore his clothes, and ripped out his hair. Because this is the MOST serious of all.
This morning I was reminded of it again and had a healthy fear of the Lord to stand firm and never let the disguise of "big blue eyes", beautiful words or a subtle present encasing horror suck me in. I know for certain I would scream and yell at myself for years to come. For me it is just NOT worth it. An uncommon position, but I’m ok with that!
P.S. And if singleness until I die or Jesus returns is His desire for my life, that is all good for me. I have DEEP PEACE with that - and so glad I do!
Much love,