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Eyes of our Heart

Writer's picture: Cari GintzCari Gintz

Hi Everyone:

A somber day as we recognize what our Savior did for us.

Today, I read an all too familiar verse in Ephesians 1:18; "that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened so that we may know what is the hope of His calling." What caught me was this - we have eyes in our heart. Our physical eyes take in a million images and each one is interpreted a certain way. Yet, as believers, we have eyes in the heart that are opened to see and discern the spiritual things. In fact, as I pondered this, I think that the two are in deep competition with each other.

Our visual eyes look around and can definitely make the claim, "There is no hope, things are going to Hell, what am I going to do?" Our visual eyes watch the stock market, watch the news, see the depravity, and on and on does the list extend. Our vision of physical eyes actually gets worse over time and deteriorates as we age. However, as I pray each day and read His word, the vision and clarity of the eyes of my heart increases. Instead of deterioration, the vision is sharper and I can see beyond what is the simple visual. I can see and visualize Him on the throne knowing exactly ALL THINGS and being in charge precisely of ALL THINGS.

So, as I prayed, I realized that eyes of the heart being enlightened is a tremendous daily gift. It allows us to see the eternal promises that overshadow the weightiness and hopelessness of all that can bring us down in this life. The eyes of our heart are able to visualize salvation and rescue for another even though the picture show with our natural eyes looks completely dismal! The eyes of our heart strengthen our prayers because they see and know an all powerful God.

However, just as I take vitamins and minerals to strengthen my own eyes, I am required to take in the Word daily so that my heart eyes stay sharp and get sharper over time. I wonder if the verses about "fixing our eyes" are underscoring a heart matter? I am guessing yes, but I am not a biblical scholar. But the tenor of Paul's prayer in Ephesians would suggest such and it really bolstered me today.

Much love as we celebrate a risen Savior this weekend.


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