Hi Everyone,
I’ve been listening to a few sermons on Matthew 11:25-30. So I reread today and something stood out. Verse 29 says for us to take His yoke upon us but verse 30 was curious; ''For my yoke is comfortable…"
I looked this up because "comfortable" can be very misinterpreted! What it means is that the yoke is adjusted perfectly and tailor-made. At that moment, I had to do a scan back on my life to recognize how deeply personal Jesus is to each of us. We can compare our lives to others either good or bad but their yoke is THEIR YOKE! It should not concern us; it does not fit us!
I thought about David trying to adjust to Saul’s armor and it did not work; he could not even move. I thought about my time in the religious cult - man’s yoke - and I could barely breathe or move. But the constraining yoke God places in my life is perfectly balanced; tightened to exactly where I need it - the perfect pressure, the perfect size, guiding in perfect direction if I allow it - and guiding my footing so I don’t slip. I’m not crushed under its weight but perfectly constrained for a perfect transformation specifically ordained and designed for Cari Gintz!
There is a great peace in this as I can look at another’s yoke, assess it and be quite frightened! OR I can look at another’s yoke and say "why do they have it so easy?" Both represent a fallen perspective that separates our lives from the intimacy of God. It’s a horizontal focus that erodes a vertical walk. I am deeply grateful for this constraining yoke that represents the deepest love of all to change me day by day in preparation to meet Him!
Much Love,