Hi Everyone,
THis morning I was really struggling and pondering the cost of holding in the balance the Truth of God's Word (Old and New Testament). How the Jesus of the New Testament is the same God of the Old Testament; His holy and righteous standard does not sit subservient to His love and grace. In this vein, I read Jesus’s words in Luke 12:49, "I have come to cast fire upon the earth and how I wish it were already kindled." I was STOPPED by the already kindled. Here are my thoughts.
I was led back to the book of Acts; before the day of Pentecost they were gathered- a small group in one place - praying. I realized, THIS WAS KINDLING. So when the Holy Spirit was poured out, there was no delay in the igniting because sparks of little fire were inside each one. So I brought this back to myself. Each time I read and ponder the word and pray, it causes little sparks in my spirit. Whatever watered down the kindling from the prior moments or day before, gets re-heated daily so it is continuously readied.
Those words of Christ, how I wish, hit me strong. I want to be a part of the already kindled. I want to know His word so nothing can water me down. I want to be bold speak so that a watering down does not invade another. But if we progress down the verses, it is evident this will not be a point of peace; it will divide. Strong words in verse 51 by the Lord again, "Do you suppose I came to grant peace? I will tell you no, but rather division."
These words in the natural will never be understood because a fluffy Jesus is more to our sensibilities and feelings. But He requires something of us all. To tend to the kindling so it will be ignited daily; to recognize the wrong kind of dampness that infiltrates the kindling, and be fervent to allow the Lord to lap up that watering down with the fire of His word! For me, the imperative is daily. The damp will wither my kindling and eventually make it unable to even respond. Such a serious warning for me today!