Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Hi everyone,
Happy Friday. So today I read a verse in Luke 11:21-22 and saw something I’ve never seen. When a strong man guards his house, his stuff is undisturbed. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers, all the armor is taken that the man relied upon and the stronger guy distributes the plunder.
The word armor is what hit me. As I thought about it, in many respects as a single person my armor can be my home, my security, my bank account, my relationships, family. All good things yet none of them are stronger than Satan. But the contrast for me is putting on the whole armor of God to be able to withstand. That word plunder; like the enemy just comes in, attacks, and randomly distributes the ‘wealth’- hmmm.
Yet, what I store up every morning in His Word and what He changes in me day by day can never be plundered by Satan. Why? because the armor of God guards my temple - not my homestead on this earth but the temple of me as a container for Him. God's home in me is imperative to protect because the enemy is always standing right there looking for a breach; looking for an ‘unlocked’ place, looking for an inroad to come in and undermine my walk.
Therefore, for me, the habit of being in His word and putting on Him must never be underestimated! It is a protection like none other that allows me to see rightly, discern rightly, and be focused on guarding the right home!
This verse was a powerful contrast to me...what armor do I trust in?
Much love,